The Hindu New Year starts on 30 March in the year 2025. This day is considered very important in Hinduism. On this day Lord Brahma composed the creation. For this reason, this day is celebrated as Hindu New Year. Chaitra month is the first month of Hindu New Year. This time many auspicious yoga are being made in Hindu New Year, which will benefit some zodiac signs.


When is Hindu New Year 2025?

According to the Panchang, Pratipada date of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month is falling on Sunday, Sunday.

The Hindu New Year will begin on 30 March.

The new year of Vikram Samvat begins on Hindu New Year.

This time the Hindu New Year will be Vikram Samvat 2082.

The beginning of Hindu New Year will be fantastic for these zodiac signs and will rain the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi on them. Let us know which are the zodiac signs.


In the Hindu New Year, people of Taurus zodiac will definitely get the grace of Goddess Lakshmi. During this period, the income of Taurus zodiacs will increase. If you are in debt, you will get relief from it. There is a possibility of profit in business. Overall, this year will be good for you.


The Hindu New Year, starting from March 30, can prove to be great for Gemini people. Your income will increase. There will be an atmosphere of happiness in the family. You may benefit in career and job. There will be happiness in the family, there will be sweetness in relationships.


The Hindu New Year will bring happiness for the natives of Sagittarius. Goddess Lakshmi will show her grace on the natives of Sagittarius. This year you will be financially strong. Health will improve and will get rid of stress. You can plan to expand your business.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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