In the Prahlada Charitra, as narrated in the Srimad Bhagavata, the young prince reports to his father what he learnt during his first stint at the Gurukul. “What is the best knowledge you have imbibed from your teachers?” Enquires the demon king of his beloved son.

Prahlada recounts to his father the nine methods by which one attains the highest knowledge:

1. Shravanam: Hearing the stories of the divine Leela and pastimes of Lord Vishnu.

2. Kirtan: Singing or chanting the transcendental Holy name and qualities of the Lord with heartfelt devotion.

3. Smaranam: Remembering, recalling and reflecting on His glory. Prahlada was filled with bhakti and lived always in constant remembrance of the Lord.

4. Pada Sevanam: Serving the Lotus Feet of the Lord. Paduka are symbols of the preceptor’s holy feet; bowing before them is a highly spiritual act, akin to prostrating before the individual himself.

5. Archanam: Offering the Lord respectful worship. Also simply known as pooja.

6. Vandanam: Offering prayers to the Lord. It is also a supreme form of reverence to the Lord. All you have to do is close your eyes, shut out the world, open your heart and call Him with deep love and longing — and there He is with you!

7. Dasyam: Becoming His servant in mind, body and spirit. This means we recognise God, in all His goodness and greatness, as our Creator and Master, the One who most deserves our respect and reverence.

8. Sakhyam: Considering the Lord as one’s best friend and developing friendship with Him.

9. Atma Nivedhanam: Surrendering everything to Him: this is complete surrender to the Divine, without the least trace of ego or self.

Bhakti is gifted to us through the grace of God. But we can cultivate bhakti by engaging ourselves in any or all of these beautiful and meaningful devotional activities, which will take us closer to God. But let us remember, ultimately, the form and the words and the actions are secondary: what is most important is a pure and humble heart, free from ego and pride, filled with love for the Lord!

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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