No matter how carefully the dinner is made, a little is left. People usually store it in the fridge and eat it in the morning. But the taste, fragrance and texture of re -heated food is not the same as before.

Many times this food becomes so dry or tasteless that one has to eat or waste. But do you know that every food item is a right way to heat it? If you heat it correctly, it will look exactly like fresh food.

Here we are telling you the right ways to heat some special food items, which will keep their taste and flavor intact.

1) Reheat boiled potatoes in this way – will be made already tasty

If you have store boiled potatoes in the fridge, let them come to normal temperature instead of heating straight.

The right way to heat:

  • Keep the potatoes out of the fridge out for a few minutes.
  • Then add a little warm butter (butter) and mash it lightly.
  • This will not only heat the potatoes easily, but will also double its taste.

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2) How to re -heat pasta and chowmin

The remaining pasta and choumin often become dry and tasteless. Follow these steps to heat it properly.

The right way to heat pasta:

  • Melt a little butter in the pan and add pasta to it.
  • To make pasta fresh and tasty, add a little pasta sauce to it.

The right way to heat chowmin:

  • Instead of heating the chowmin straight, sprinkle light water on it.
  • Then put it in the pan and heat it on low flame.
  • This will not make the chowmin dry and its flavor will remain intact.

3) The right way to heat stale rice – will become absolutely fresh

Rice kept in the fridge often becomes dry and hard, but if they are heated properly, they can become absolutely fresh and soft.

The right way to heat rice:

  • Remove from the fridge and leave it at normal temperature for a few minutes.
  • Boil water in a saucepan.
  • Now add rice to the steel sieve and add boiling water on it.
  • This will make the rice look warm and completely fresh.

4) Heat the soup correctly – the flavor and texture will remain

The stale soup placed in the fridge often becomes thick and lumps, which can taste its taste.

The right way to heat the soup:

  • Do not keep the soup on direct heat.
  • Add a cup of warm water and mix well.
  • Then heat on low heat.
  • This will not cause soup kernels and will keep its taste and texture.

5) The right way to re -heat naan

If you rehear the stale naan, it often becomes hard and difficult to chew. By heating it properly, it will again make it soft and tasty.

The right way to heat naan:

  • Keep the nonstick pan on a low flame and put the naan in it.
  • Sprinkle some water around the naan and cover the pan.
  • Cook on low flame for 2 minutes.
  • With this, Naan will be soft from inside and light crispy from outside.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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