By following the simple suggestions made in this article, you can paint your hair in a professional way without any hassle at home. For this, you do not even need to worry about staining on your skin.
If you are thinking of dyeing hair at home, then it is very important to apply it properly, so that the hair color looks beautiful and there are no stains on the skin. Many times it is applied on the forehead, ear and neck while dyeing the hair, which becomes difficult to remove. Also, if the dye fades quickly, then it is also necessary to take some special precautions. Let us know what is the right way to apply hair dye, so that the hair color remains for a long time and there is no stains on the skin.
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Keep these things in mind while painting hair
Choose the right hair dye and shed
- Keep in mind your hair type and needs before purchasing a hair dye.
- If you want to hide white hair, choose a dye that is ammonia free and which contains natural ingredients.
- Choose a shade that matches your natural skin and hair color.
Keep your skin protection like this
Before applying the dye, apply petroleum jelly, coconut oil or any thick cream on the ear and neck so that the color does not stick to the skin. Wear gloves to protect your hands.
Likewise prepare your hair
- Keep your hair dry and clean before applying the dye.
- If your hair is dirty or oily, first shampoo them.
- Solve your hair well so that the color becomes equally.
What is the right way to apply color?
- First of all, divide the hair into small parts.
- Apply dye with the help of a brush and spread it evenly from the roots to the ends.
- Do not leave the dye longer than the recommended time; Otherwise your hair can be dry and damaged.
- After this, wash the hair with lukewarm water and use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.
- Apply oil regularly to your hair so that they remain soft and shiny.
- Avoid heat styling after dyeing to maintain the color for a long time.