We all love money, don’t we? It’s a fact that money makes the world go round because it can make the impossible possible and the unimaginable real. Hence, it won’t be an exaggeration to say that money can do almost everything. But, as mentioned above, does money buy happiness? If the answer was “Yes,” in that case, all the millionaires would be immensely happy, and the poor, who are the majority in the world, would be unhappy. Hence, we need to understand that the association of money with happiness depends not on how much we have but on how we use it, and how we relate to our resources.
In Hindi, money means dhan, which is derived from the verb ‘dena,’ meaning to give. All of us just love to take everything and anything that comes our way, isn’t it so? But when it comes to giving something, our face becomes grim and our heart sinks. Why is it so? If we look at what is happening around us, we would realise that we have become a society of takers, and, surprisingly, when it comes to taking, none of us counts the cost, but when it comes to giving, every tiny item is checked and calculated. As a result, there is little left in this world to take or give that is really valuable.
In India, for years, there has been a culture of donating or sharing one’s wealth with others. The whole idea behind this has been that anything that one has in excess should be given to those who really need it and, in turn, earn blessings and good wishes. Hence, we must realise the fact that money is merely a tool that has to be used wisely and without greed, attachment or selfishness to create happiness for all.
So, as long as we use it as masters, it will bring us benefit and happiness. As soon as we become slaves to it, it would bring loss and misery. Remember! An enlightened person would always use money for the maximum good of the maximum number of people, whereas for a spiritually empowered soul, money becomes a tool to create good karma and a good destiny for the self and others.
So, the moral of the story is that money has never made man permanently happy, nor will it, because there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. Hence, if we really want to be wealthy and happy, then we should earn blessings, which are our real wealth and which would go along with us birth after birth.
By Rajyogi Brahma Kumar Nikunj Ji
([email protected] — www.brahmakumaris.com)
(Writer is a spiritual educator&popular columnist for publications across India,Nepal & UK. Till Date 8500+ Published Columns have been written by Him)