Washington: Hackers allegedly hacked the monitors of the US Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) and broadcast a video of Allen Musk’s buttock licking by Donald Trump. The video titled “Long Live the Real King” makes fun of the relationship between Trump and Musk and quoted the phrase “Long Live the King” from Trump’s recent Truth social post.

The video became increasingly viral and there was a flood of reactions on social media. Some people speculated that it was a cyber attack, while others expressed doubts that it was a pre -planned stunt. A user shared the caption and asked if this had actually happened. The monitors have been hacked to transmit a video of the musc’s buttock licking by Trump.

HUD spokesman KC Lavate criticized the move, calling it another waste of taxpayers’ money and resources. He assured that appropriate action would be taken. However, criminals have not yet been identified.

The video has re -resurrected the debate about the increasing influence of Musk on federal agencies under the Trump administration. Musk has been playing an important role in government capacity building efforts after Trump took over, resulting in a significant decrease in the number of employees. Recently, Musk issued an order asking government employees to submit a weekly report or resign, which led to resentment and controversy among the employees.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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