British professor John Yudkin has proved from his research that Chinese is a white poison. “Whatever he said in this research, Rajiv Bhai had said 10 years ago”. Eating it increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, causing thick blood vessels to become thick and increases the chances of heart attack. Not only sugar, but there are many more foods that affect the body like slow poison.

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We are telling you about 10 such foods

Sugar: Eating it reduces the amount of glycogen in the liver, which can increase obesity, fatigue, migraine, asthma and diabetes. Eating it more quickly brings old age.

Iodine salt:- It contains high sodium content; Eating it more increases the chances of high BP, which can lead to heart attack. This increases the chances of cancer and osteoporosis

Refined flour:- Fibers are removed in the process of making refined flour. Eating too much refined flour causes frequent stomach problems. It consists of bleaching agents. Which dilute blood and increase heart problems.

Cold drinks:- It contains high amount of sugar and phosphoric acid, drinking more cold drinks can cause brain damage or heart attack, and it can cause rotting in the large intestine, the same happened with Amitabh Bachchan.

Fast Food:- It contains monosodium glutamate which reduces the power of the brain and increases obesity rapidly. At the same time, the risk of heart problems also increases.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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