Did you spend a lot on anti-aging cream but did not show any significant effect? Are you afraid to get cosmetic treatment done? If wrinkles and fine lines are visible on the face with aging, then yoga can help you.
According to the International Yoga Guru Dr. Sunil Singh, some special yogasanas increase blood circulation in the facial skin, which makes the formation of collagen fasting and the skin looks more young and shiny. By detoxifying yoga cells, it improves skin quality and also makes bones and muscles strong. According to a study, women who practice 30 minutes of yoga for 20 consecutive weeks are seen to improve their facial texture.
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1. West West – Do Wrinkles less
How to do it?
- Sit on the ground and spread the feet straight.
- Raise both hands up and try to touch the toes while exhaling.
- Try to apply the forehead with knees.
- Initially do it 2-4 times for 10–10 seconds, then gradually extend the time.
Who should not do?
- Pregnant women, people with back pain and sciatica problems.
- Blood flow on the face increases, making the skin healthy and shiny.
- Collagen production increases, which reduces wrinkles.
- Liver and kidney function is better.
2. Sarvangasana – beneficial for the whole body
How to do it?
- Lie on the back, place your hands next to the body.
- Raise the feet up and support the waist with hands.
- Initially stop for 10 seconds, then gradually extend the time.
Who should not do?
- Heart patients and people with cervical problems.
- Hair loss is less.
- The skin tightens and the natural glow remains on the face.
- Eye light is better.
3. Padhastasana – to enhance the glow of the face
How to do it?
- Stand straight and raise both hands above the head.
- Breathing, bend forward and try to apply the forehead with knees.
- Hold the calves with hands.
Who should not do?
- Heart patients, people with back pain or dizziness.
- Blood flow in the brain intensifies, which improves the skin.
- The digestive system is strong.
- Heart and lung function is better.
4. Face Yoga – Skin Natural Exercise
Face yoga can be very effective for maintaining the glow of the face.
- Massage the wrinkles of the forehead, massage from the bottom from the bottom from the bottom.
- Smile openly to tone the cheeks and tighten it lightly with fingers.
- To tighten the skin of the neck, make a pout by tilting the head up.