If you have ever eaten food in a hotel or restaurant, then you must have noticed that the waiter brings fennel-child with the bill. Have you ever wondered what can be the reason behind this? Actually, chewing fennel after eating keeps digestion healthy, but its benefits are not limited to this only. By chewing fennel daily, from controlling weight to high blood pressure can be managed. Let us know what are the benefits of fennel for health.

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Tremendous benefits of chewing fennel

Make digestion better

If you have problems like blotting, gas, acidity or indigestion, then chewing fennel after eating strengthens digestive power. Fennel helps to digest food quickly by increasing the production of digestive enzymes in the stomach.

Helpful to lose weight

Fennel is excess of fiber and lack of calories, causing stomach to remain full for a long time. This reduces the craving of frequent food, which helps in weight loss. If you want to reduce abdominal fat, you can drink fennel water daily in the morning and evening. This helps reduce fat storage.

Relief from acidity

If you have acidity or irritation after eating food, chewing fennel can be a panacea for you. Fennel has natural cooling properties, which help reduce acidity by calming the digestive system.

Remove the smell of the mouth

Fennel is also called natural mouth freshener. The anti-microbial properties present in it remove the bad odor by eliminating bacteria in the mouth. Chewing fennel increases the production of saliva, which can control the smell of the mouth.

Control blood pressure

If you have a problem of high blood pressure, then fennel intake can be beneficial. The potassium and nitrates present in it help in controlling blood pressure, which also keeps the heart health good.

How to consume fennel?

1 Tsp fennel chewed after eating 1 ⃣ This improves digestion.
2⃣ Drink water soaked fennel overnight – it helps in weight loss.
3⃣ Drink fennel tea – it improves blood pressure and digestion.

So whenever you eat food next time, do not forget to chew fennel, because it is not just a habit, but a treasure of health!

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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