We live in a generation where relationships & marriages are short-lived, convenient, easy to discard, with very little accountability & emotional baggage.

We live in times when there’s been a breakdown of the conventional arranged marriage system, and where a commitment is a commitment for life., where families would decide who we marry, when we marry & the option of exit did not exist. 

Women are financially independent, emotionally secure, in a culture where sperm donors make even needing a marriage to procreate, seem extinct. And where men have easy access to women for physical satisfaction, & therefore, as bad as it sounds, why buy the cow when you get the milk for free.

Therefore, when men & women really choose partners, they choose partners. Someone who satisfies the emotional, physical, social needs, almost all in one. Expecting one individual to satisfy all our needs, as a best friend, as the best sex ever, as a trophy wife or a wealthy handsome husband, is expecting the sun, moon & earth. This makes it almost impossible to find the ideal partner & therefore longer single lives for all.

Society doesn’t make it any easier when it seemingly looks down up singles, especially women. But there’s so much one can do to live a full, satisfying life, even if single.

As someone who was single up until 42, it took a lot out of me to build a whole life, here are some tips on how to navigate single life in a country like India:

Work hard, study, get a job, start a business, build a legacy, do it all for yourself, for the satisfaction, for confidence, for personal growth.

Play hard, build a great network of support system, families, neighbours, colleagues, friends, people who root hard for you to grow & to be happy.

Travel wide & far, pursue hobbies, expand your knowledge on everything from dance to Ai, try different experiences, get out of your comfort zone.

Live alone, if finances permit, build your space, your sanctuary, fill it with things you love, cook, clean, your home is who you are.

Stay fit, groom well, physically, workouts, run, train, play sports, join fitness communities, your body is your only wealth. And a fit body build great confidence, & is very attractive to someone looking to be with you. 

Date, a lot, but date wisely. In a world of swiping left & right, its easy to get frustrated. Stay unattached till you are really attached. Till you know its what you want.

Pray, to God, to the universe, to a higher purpose, whoever you believe in, keeping working on your spiritual growth, keep vibrating high, building values, it always pays off in attracting a like minded partner.

Stay true to yourself. When you know who you really are, what you really want, then you also know what you don’t want, then you are not willing to settle for any toxicity, then you are clear of what you attract and what you settle for. 

Enjoy every moment of your life, its not coming back. Single years are golden, full of self discover, self-love, self indulgences, and the better the relationship you have with yourself, the better it gets with a partner.

Being single is a wonderful opportunity to explore oneself. Who we are, what we want from life, from relationships, what our values are, what we are willing to let go of & what are our deal breakers, finances, parenting, moral values. This gives us immense clarity, so that when we meet potential partners, we know exactly what we’re willing to accept in our life.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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