In Vedic astrology, Shani Dev is called the judicious deity of Kali Yuga who gives results on the basis of karma. Shanidev gives a person fruit according to his deeds. It is believed that if Shani Dev blesses people, then he makes Ranka a king and if Shani Dev gets angry, the king does not take long to become a rake. Shanidev keeps changing his speed from time to time. This year, Shani is going to set in Aquarius shortly before Holi. Saturn in Aquarius can prove to be very beneficial for some zodiac signs. This year Saturn will set on February 28, Friday.
Saturn is going to be set in the eleventh house of Aries. Saturn’s existence will prove to be very auspicious for the people of this zodiac. During this period, the natives of Aries will get success in every work. Many important tasks can be completed for a long time.
Saturn will set in the eighth house of Cancer. The existence of Shani will bring good news for the natives of this zodiac. These people will get success in every field of life. You will get the benefit of ancestral property and sudden money can also be benefited from somewhere.
Shani is going to be set in the third house of Sagittarius sign and thus these days are going to be auspicious for the natives of Sagittarius. You will get success in jobs and business. Whatever work you do, you will get appreciation. There will be a good atmosphere in the family and you will get an opportunity to spend good time with your siblings.