Shani Rahu Yuti in Pisces: In astrology, Shani Dev is considered a karmaphal donor. Whenever Saturn changes the zodiac, it affects all zodiac signs. Shani is the planet of karma, governance, struggle and patience. Whereas Rahu is considered a factor of ambition, deceit and material happiness. When the combination of Shani and Rahu is formed, it can brighten the fate of people of some zodiac signs.


On March 29, Shani will enter the Pisces zodiac from Aquarius. Rahu is already transiting in Pisces, so there will be a combination of Shani and Rahu in this zodiac. The sum of Shani and Rahu will prove to be a bumper benefit for the natives of five zodiac signs. After March 29, a great phase will begin in the lives of the natives of these five zodiac signs.

Five zodiac signs will benefit from the combination of Shani and Rahu.


Taurus – This combination will be in the 11th house of Taurus zodiac, which will create a possibility of getting a new job or promotion in jobs. You may find a new deal or big contract in business. The fame of people associated with politics and social work will increase.

Cancer – This meeting will be in the ninth house of Cancer sign. Which will bring stability in career. Also Rahu can bring new opportunities and unexpected benefits. There are also opportunities for traveling abroad. Students preparing for the exam will get positive results.


Scorpio – This combination is being made in the fifth house of Scorpio zodiac. This value is related to children, intelligence and investment. Due to which people of this zodiac can get sudden money. There will be every possibility of success in the work. There is a possibility of financial benefits from investment.

Capricorn – This union will be in the third house of Capricorn. This alliance will benefit people associated with communication and networking. Media and marketing people are likely to get sudden success.


Pisces- This combination is being made in Pisces, so people of this zodiac will benefit the most. You can get success in traveling abroad or research work. If you want to learn something new then this time will be favorable. There will be profit from all sides.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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