Often the elderly women of the house are heard saying that during periods, sour things like pickle should be avoided. But have you ever wondered what is the real reason behind it? Can citrus foods really affect the menstrual cycle? Let us know what effect the body is affected by eating sour during periods and what should be avoided.
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Damage caused by eating citrus during periods
1. Stomach pain and inflammation may increase
During periods, women already have stomach pain and swelling problems. During this time eating pickles like pickle and spicy foods can increase acidity, which can further increase the problem of stomach irritation and pain. That is why it is advisable to eat light and nutritious food.
2. Digestive system may affect
Pickle and other citrus foods contain high amounts of spices and oils, which can affect the digestive system. Digestion is already weak during periods, so more sour or spicy food can increase the problem of indigestion, gas and acidity.
3. Negative effects on the skin
Hormonal changes during periods may increase pimples and acne problems on the skin. Eating more spicy and oily pickles can make this problem more serious. Therefore, it is more beneficial to consume light and low oil-spices food during this period.
Is sour food completely harmful?
It is not necessary to avoid every sour thing. According to doctors, drinking lemon, gooseberry or other citrus fruit juice during periods can be beneficial. They help to meet vitamin C and iron deficiency in the body and also keep blood flow balanced.