This year, a rare and very beautiful astronomical phenomenon is about to happen in the US on the night of 13 and 14 March. On this night, blood will become a wonderful coincidence of red moon and full lunar eclipse, which will not be less than a dream. When the Moon, Earth and Sun are in a straight line, the shadow of the earth will fall on the moon, which will make it look dark red. This scene can be clearly seen in 48 states of America and this will be a special occasion for astronomy lovers.

However, this astronomical event will not have any effect in India, because when this event decreases, then there will be a day in India. Nevertheless, this phenomenon is considered very important in terms of scientific and astronomical studies.

What is blood red moon and full lunar eclipse?

Blood red moon and full lunar eclipse are two different events, but when they are together, a wonderful view is formed in the sky.

  1. Full lunar eclipse:

    • When the Earth, Sun and Moon come in a straight line, the shadow of the Earth completely covers the moon.
    • During this time the direct light of the moon is interrupted and it goes completely into the dark.
  2. Blood Red Moon:

    • During a complete lunar eclipse, when the sunlight passes through the Earth’s atmosphere, the blue and green light disintegrate and only the red light reaches the moon.
    • This is why the moon sees us dark red, which is called “blood moon”.

Where and when will this amazing view see?

This amazing astronomical event can be seen in 48 states of America. According to astronomers, this view will be clearly visible in North America, South America, some European and African countries.

Time and date:

  • Lunar eclipse time starts: March 13 night
  • Blood moon peak time: around midnight on 14 March
  • End of time: morning of March 14

During this time, the moon will appear dark red, and it can be seen without a particular device.

Will this lunar eclipse look in India?

No, this lunar eclipse will not be visible in India because when this incident happens, then there will be day time in India.

  • It will have no effect from a religious point of view in India.
  • On this day, big festivals like Holi and Holika Dahan will be celebrated, but due to eclipse, there will be no religious effect on them.

Is it safe to see lunar eclipse?

Yes, it is completely safe to see full lunar eclipse with naked eyes.

  • Like a solar eclipse, no particular glasses are required to see it.
  • If you want to see this amazing astronomical event better, you can use telescope or binocular.
  • It will also be a great opportunity for photography lovers.

Bhadra’s influence on Holika Dahan

The first day of Holi (Holika Dahan) will be celebrated on 13 March, and on this day Bhadra will be shared. However, the eclipse will not have any effect on this.

Bhadra period and auspicious time:

  • Bhadra Kaal: On March 24, will be from 09:54 am to 11:13 pm.
  • The auspicious time of Holika Dahan: will be from 11:14 pm to 12:20 pm.

Therefore, Holika Dahan can be organized at the right time and it will be completely auspicious.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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