Ranchi: The Class 10 board examinations (matriculation) began amid tight security across Jharkhand on Tuesday, an official said.

The examination for Class 12 (Intermediate) will also begin later in the day in the second sitting, he said.

Over 7.84 lakh students are enrolled to take both the board examinations, which will be conducted in two sittings. The class 10 examinations are scheduled in the first sitting (9.45 am to 1 pm), while the class 12 in the second sitting (2 pm to 5.15 pm).

Statement Of Jharkhand Academic Council Secretary

“The board examinations for class 10 started peacefully across the state. The class 12 examination will start in the second sitting,” Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) secretary Jayant Mishra said.

He said a massive arrangements have been made for the examinations across the centres.

“CCTV cameras have been installed in all examination halls. Invigilators have been prohibited from carrying their phones during the examinations,” he said.

More than 4.33 lakh students are expected to appear for the class 10 examinations across 1,297 examination centres, while over 3.50 lakh students are likely to write intermediate examinations across 789 centres.

The examination for classes 10 and 12 will conclude on March 3.

(Except for the headline, this article has not been edited by FPJ’s editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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