Amla for Diabetes: The number of patients suffering from diabetes in the country is increasing day by day. According to a report, more than 1.13 billion people worldwide can suffer from diabetes by 2050. More than 100 million sugar patients in India alone are patients. Whereas in the year 2019 this number was 7 crores. The immunity of people suffering from diabetes is very weak. That is why it is important for people suffering from this disease to pay more attention to their health. In such a situation, you can control diabetes by taking some home remedies. Amla is considered very beneficial for this.

Diabetes damages many parts of the body and how to function of the body. People suffering from this disease are at greater risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney problems, gum diseases and eye problems.

Blood sugar remains controlled by gooseberry

Chromium elements are found in amla. It helps to control the sugar level in the blood by strengthening insulin hormones. The anti-oxidants inside it reduces oxidative stress. This also keeps diabetes under control. According to a study, when the researchers asked some people to consume 1-3 grams of Indian gooseberry powder daily, there was a significant reduction in their fasting and post-eating blood sugar level. Amla is a powerhouse of nutrients. Traditionally, many of its benefits are explained in Ayurveda. It also plays an important role in controlling diabetes.

Amla supplement

Amla supplements such as capsules or tablets are easily found in the market. Be sure to consult a doctor before taking any supplement. Its reaction can also occur with many drugs.

Amla tea

Boil dried gooseberry pieces in water and make gooseberry tea. Including Amla in his routine is considered very beneficial for health. For more benefits, you can also include other herbs like cinnamon in tea.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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