General Knowledge: In the winter season, markets are filled with fresh fruits, some of which are eaten well by people in this season, one of which is guava. Guava is consumed in large quantities in winter. Apart from taste, it is also considered good for health. Guava also contains many types of protein and vitamins, so it is considered good for the body. It also contains vitamin A, which is good for the eyes.
Although some people are fond of white guava and some of red guava, but do you know the difference between the seeds of both? Some are white from inside and some are red from inside, but have you ever wondered why this happens? Today we will tell you the reason behind this and will also tell how to identify whether the inner part is white or red while buying guava.
Difference between white and red guava –
Just as white and red guava vary in appearance, similarly there is a difference between the nutritional elements of both. The red color of guava is caused by a pigment called lycopene. It is a type of natural color found in guava pulp and peel. Talking about white guava, it lacks lycopene pigment, due to which it is white.
Difference in taste
There is also a difference in the taste of white and red guava, white guava is slightly sour and sweet in taste. While red guava is mostly sweet. Apart from this, the juice is also high in red guava.
Difference of nutrients
It is that red guava is high in lycopene, due to which it is rich in antioxidant properties, its intake improves skin and heart health, while white guava reduces lycopene and has vitamin C and fiber. There is a good amount. It improves digestion and also increases immunity.
If you difference in texture
If you look at it carefully, the texture of both guava is different. Red guava looks a bit soft, while white guava is often rigid. However, both become soft after cooking. Smooth, juice, ice cream etc. can be made from red guava. While white guava can be used to make chutney, vegetables, sauces and salads.
How will you identify red and white guava?
Whenever we go to buy guava, we get confused about how to recognize red guava and white guava, so today we will tell you how to recognize both. The red guava will be light yellow and green from the top. Apart from this, it is also light in weight. Whereas the upper surface of white guava will be completely green or if it is cooked, it will be completely yellow. In addition, it is heavy and soft.