There is a ruckus over Indians extracted from America. Not a noise on exile, but the way the US sent 104 illegal Indian immigrants to India by handcuffs, it has launched a debate across the country. It is being said that our loved ones were brought to handcuffs and fetters. The opposition is raising voice on this. There was an uproar in Parliament as well. Due to which External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has given clarification.


India’s position on American exile was explained

He came to the Rajya Sabha and gave a select answer to all the questions. He explained the position of India on American exile. During this time, he also warned those criminals, due to which our loved ones had to handcuff.

These 104 Indians fired from America reached Amritsar on Wednesday


These 104 Indians fired from America reached Amritsar on Wednesday. It had more people from Haryana, Punjab and Gujarat. As soon as the news of his handcuffs spread, there was an uproar in Parliament. After this, Jaishankar came and answered all the questions. He clearly stated that this is not the first time. He showed the figures that similar illegal NRIs have been extracted from the US earlier. However, during this time, he needed some things that need to be considered.

Jaishankar warned

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has warned against agents who push people into the labyrinth of donkey routes for huge income. Jaishankar said that we have instructed the officials to sit with all the people expelled from the US. We should talk to them and find out how these people reach America. Which agent sent them, who were they and where were they from? It is believed that the government can now start renewed work to eliminate this network.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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