LDL cholesterol: Cholesterol is fat that accumulate in the arteries of our body. Body uses cholesterol to make cells and hormones. There is both good and bad cholesterol in the body. If the amount of bad cholesterol i.e. LDL cholesterol in the body increases, then it becomes a hindrance in blood circulation. Due to this, blood does not reach the heart properly.
If bad cholesterol increases, the risk of deadly conditions such as heart attack and stroke increases manifold. This cholesterol should be controlled as soon as possible. Doctors prescribe medication to control bad cholesterol. But if you start drinking juice as soon as you feel symptoms of bad cholesterol, you can avoid taking medicine permanently.
What should be bad cholesterol?
Poor cholesterol levels in the body are high or low, it can be detected by its quantity. According to experts, the poor cholesterol level in an adult should be less than 100 MGDL. Whereas good cholesterol i.e. HDL level should be above 60 MGDL.
Symptoms of bad cholesterol in veins
Breathing difficulty,
Chest pain,
Slow or fast heartbeat,
Yellow and swelling of the skin above the eyes.
Ramban for bad cholesterol
If you start drinking tomato juice from the same time when you increase bad cholesterol in the body, then the condition can improve. Tomatoes contain compounds called lycopene. Which is known to improve lipid levels. Along with this, tomato juice is also rich in fiber and niacin, which reduces bad cholesterol. According to a study, regular intake of juice of tomato juice without sugar can improve poor cholesterol levels.