Donald Trump: Donald Trump has started the exercise to reduce the number of employees working in the federal government. Under this, 40 thousand employees have resigned by accepting Trump’s byout offer. Trump gave federal employees time to leave their jobs by 6 February. In which 40 thousand employees have resigned. Under the byout offer, these employees will get eight months’ salary and a fixed allowance.

Work from home canceled

The culture of working from home for employees working in federal departments has been canceled. All have been ordered to come to office via email. These employees will have to work from the office five days a week.

Will they expel more people?

There is a provision to provide eight months’ salary and a fixed allowance to the employees working in the federal government under the byout offer. It is estimated that 5 to 10 percent of the total workforce will quit its job under this proposal. But so far only 40,000 employees have resigned. Which is lower than the target of cutting 300,000 employees of Trump. As a result, the possibility of more pruning by Trump is increased.

Protest against Trump’s decision

Employees are widely opposed to Trump’s decision. The American Federation of Government Employees Union President Aleret Kelly expressed displeasure over the decision, saying that this has increased the pressure on the federal employees to quit jobs who are not following Trump’s agenda. According to government statistics, the number of federal employees in the US is more than 3 million. Which is the 15th largest workforce in America.

Trump’s tough stance

Donald Trump has taken several drastic steps since taking oath of presidency on 20 January. These include imposing tariffs on China, Canada and Mexico, deporting illegal immigrants and cutting the number of employees in the federal government. Apart from this, Trump has also given many threats to Iran.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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