In Hinduism, charity is considered extremely auspicious. According to astrology, if the inauspicious effect of a planet is bringing trouble in life, then it provides relief to the person, animal or bird associated with it. Especially, feeding pigeons to pigeons is considered an effective way to reduce Rahu’s inauspicious effects. Apart from this, birds are also advised to put a grain to get the grace of Maa Lakshmi. Let’s know the benefits of pouring pigeons and important things related to it.
What benefits do pigeons get granule?
In the scriptures, the pigeon has been considered as the vehicle of Cupid’s wife Rati. They are symbols of peace and love. Feeding grains to pigeons provides the following benefits:
Pitra dosha and planetary defects are removed.
Shani Dosha is prevented.
The bad effects of Rahu and Ketu have less.
The path of salvation is paved.
This remedy is also considered beneficial to make Mercury planet favorable.
What to feed the pigeons according to the problem?
If a particular type of problem remains in life, the following measures can be beneficial:
1. For a happy married life
- Feeding tide increases love between husband and wife and brings sweetness in the relationship.
2. For money related problems
- Saptadhan (seven grains – sorghum, millet, maize, wheat, gram, rice, moth), the economic crisis is removed and wealth starts.
3. To reduce the inauspicious effects of Rahu and Ketu
- Feeding millet is considered beneficial. It calms the bad effects of Rahu-Ketu.
4. For mental peace
- Feeding rice grains pigeons gives peace and peace to the mind.
Where should the pigeons not pour grain?
Putting grains on the roof should be avoided, because pigeons make dirt there, which can increase the negative effects of Rahu.
When Rahu is contaminated, the opposite effect can cause trouble in the life of a person.