In a run -of -the -mill life, people often finish breakfast or lunch quickly and start working. But no one pays attention to the loss of this habit. When we finish our food in less than ten minutes, it not only affects our digestive system but also our metabolism and overall health. Know, how to eat quickly harm our health.

Disadvantages of eating food in less than ten minutes

Health experts say that if you finish your food in less than ten minutes, it can be harmful to your body. Due to this, the absorption of nutrients from food is not done properly and digestion is not done properly. Actually, the digestion process starts from the mouth itself, where food particles break together with saliva.

Causes of eating early food

When you eat quickly, often food particles do not break properly and reach directly into the stomach. As a result, the digestive process is interrupted and food begins to rot, causing problems like gas and blotting.

Cause of overighting

When the food goes into the stomach, hormones indicate the brain to fill the stomach. This signal may take up to 20 minutes to activate. By eating quickly, these signs are not able to reach on time, due to which the person often starts overwing, which causes obesity.

Lack of neutrition

Not all the nutrients from food are able to reach the body due to early food. This is the reason why problems like metabolic syndrome can arise in a long time if digestion is not properly.

Therefore, eat food always and carefully eat it so that you can keep your health better and absorb nutrients properly.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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