In Hinduism, special importance is given on the Ekadashi date of Shukla and Krishna Paksha of every month. This day is dedicated to worship and worship of Lord Shrihari Vishnu. Every year Jaya Ekadashi fast is observed on Ekadashi date of Shukla Paksha of Magh month. This year, Jaya Ekadashi will be celebrated on 08 February 2025.

Date and time of Jaya Ekadashi

According to Drik Panchang, Ekadashi date of Shukla Paksha of Magh month will begin on February 07 at 09:26 pm and it will end on February 08 at 08:15 pm. According to Udayatithi, Jaya Ekadashi will be celebrated on 08 February. On this day, Validriti Yoga and Ravi Yoga are being created, which is considered auspicious for the works of religion.

Parana time

People observing the fast of Jaya Ekadashi can pass on February 09 from 07:04 am to 09:17 pm on Dwadashi Tithi.

Jaya Ekadashi’s worship

  1. Get up in Prabhat period: Get up early on Jaya Ekadashi.
  2. Bath: Take a bath by mixing Ganga water in water.
  3. Resolve to fast: Take meditation of Lord Vishnu and take a pledge to fast.
  4. Prepare the place of worship: Put yellow clothes at a small post and install a statue of Lakshmi and Narayan on it.
  5. Arpan: Offer fruits, yellow flowers, incense, lamps and naivedya to Vishnuji and mother Lakshmi. Offer Tulsi Dal and sesame seeds.
  6. Chanting Mantra: Chant Vishnu’s seed mantra ‘Om Namo Narayanay Namah’.
  7. Lesson: Read Vishnu Chalisa and Vishnu Sahastranam.
  8. Aarti: Finally, perform the aarti of all the deities with Maa Lakshmi and Vishnuji.
  9. Worship in the evening: Worship Vishnuji in the evening and perform bhajan-kirtan.
  10. Parana of fast: Keep fast fasting throughout the day and pass on Dwadashi date. Before passing, provide food to the Brahmin and give donations.

Importance of Jaya Ekadashi

According to religious beliefs, by observing Jaya Ekadashi fast, the natives get the boon of healing and get rid of all the sins and sufferings of life. It is also said that through this fast, by the grace of Lord Vishnu, after death, one does not have to go into the ghost vagina. By keeping this fast for the ancestors, they get virtuous fruits.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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