The Sub-Regional Office of the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), Thane, organized an awareness and health check-up camp at TATA Steel, Khopoli, Raigad. The camp was successfully conducted under the leadership of Chief CRM TATA Steel, Mr. Shashi Bhushan, Joint Director (In-charge) Mr. Sudhakar Singh, and AMO Dr. Devayani.

During the camp, Deputy Director Mr. Pradeep Jaybhaye and Assistant Ms. Prabisha Balan provided detailed information about the various benefits and facilities offered by ESIC to insured persons. Additionally, they shared insights about the corporation’s efforts to ensure easy access to the IP portal, online contributions, and other digital services.

More than 300 insured persons participated in the camp and availed themselves of free health check-up services. Various medical tests were conducted, and necessary consultations were provided. The medical check-up services were carried out by AMO Thane, ESIS Hospital Mulund, and Thane.

Furthermore, grievances raised by insured persons during the camp were heard and resolved.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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