Ola Electric has launched its new electric scooters in the Indian market, based on the Jane 3 platform. The range of these scooters will be up to 320 km. The company also announced the Moveos 5 during this launch event, and also revealed the launch date of its roadster electric motorcycle. However, the company announced this bike last year and also declared its prices, but now the company can disclose its delivery and other details on 5 February. Testing of this bike is also going on.

CEO Bhavish Aggarwal of Ola Electric recently shared a glimpse of the production of Roadster X on his social media account. In the photo, a woman is seen sitting on the back seat of the bike and running it. The roadster structure has a double craddle frame, with a diagonally battery pack fit. There is a motor under the battery and around the footpag, which is attached to the traditional chain-drive system.

Roadster X battery and prices

In August 2024, the company revealed that Roadster X would be introduced with three different battery pack 2.5khh, 3.5kh, and 4.5kwh. Its price will be from Rs 74,999 to Rs 99,999. At the same time, the price of roadster model ranges from Rs 1.05 lakh to Rs 1.40 lakh and the price of Roadster Pro is from Rs 2 lakh to Rs 2.50 lakh. These are all ex-showroom prices.

Roadster Pro features and specifications

Roadster Pro is the most high-end model. It has a price of Rs 1,99,999 for 8kWh battery and Rs 2,49,999 for 16kWh battery. This bike claims to catch a speed of 0 to 40 km/h in just 1.2 seconds, and its top speed is 194 km/h. Once charged, this bike can run up to 579 km. It also has features like 10 inch touchscreen and Adas.

Roadster features and specifications

The price of the roadster is Rs 1,04,999 for 2.5kwh battery, Rs 1,19,999 for 4.5kwh battery and Rs 1,39,99 for 6kwh battery. This bike can catch a speed of 0 to 40 km/h in 2.2 seconds and its top speed is 126 km/h. Once charged it can run up to 579 km. It has a 7 -inch touchscreen and diamond cut alloy wheels. Its delivery will begin from January next year.

Roadster X features and specifications

Roadster X is the most economical bike of this series, priced at Rs 74,999 for 2.5kwh battery. This bike can catch a speed of 0 to 40 km/h in 2.8 seconds, and its top speed is 124 km/h. Once charged it can run up to 200 km. It has an 18 -inch alloy wheels and a 4.3 -inch touchscreen. Its delivery will also begin from January next year.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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