Sitarist Anoushka Shankar has been announced as a presenter at the 67th edition of the Grammy Awards. The musician, who has received 11 Grammy nominations, expressed her excitement over this opportunity to represent India internationally.

Sharing the news on Instagram, Anoushka posted a picture of the announcement, writing, “Eeeeeeee I have news! What a thrill to be asked to serve as a presenter at the 67th #GRAMMYPremiere Ceremony this Sunday! The last time I presented was in 2016 – an extraordinary day, not only because I was nominated for my 5th Grammy for my classical album ‘Home,’ but also because I was the first Indian musician ever to present at the ceremony.”

Excitement for the new experience

She reflected on the changes over the years and her pride in once again representing India. “Although so much has changed (personally and globally) over the last nine years, I find myself once again in the wonderful position of representing India on the global stage,” she shared.

Apart from presenting, Anoushka is also a nominee in two categories. “I’m also proud to be nominated this year for my latest album ‘Ch II: How Dark It is Before Dawn’ and my featuring role on Jacob Collier’s ‘A Rock Somewhere’ – my 10th and 11th Grammy noms respectively! Let’s see what happens on Sunday,” she wrote.

The 67th Grammy Awards

The 67th Grammy Awards will raise funds to support wildfire relief efforts in Los Angeles, USA. The ceremony will be streamed live on February 2 at

Performers at the event include Coldplay’s Chris Martin, Academy Award-nominated Wicked star Cynthia Erivo, John Legend, and Stevie Wonder, among others. With a thrilling night ahead, Anoushka Shankar’s presence as both a presenter and nominee makes this edition even more special for Indian music on the global stage.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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