Aishwarya Rai Abhishek Bachchan divorce: In 2007, Amitabh Bachchan brought Miss World Aishwarya Rai to her home by making her daughter -in -law. Although earlier he had chosen Karisma Kapoor of the Kapoor family as his bride, the relationship broke down due to family differences and Abhishek and Karishma separated even after the engagement. After this, Aishwarya Rai came in Junior Bachchan’s life and both fell in love while working in some films with her and then both of them decided to get married, although when both were in this relationship, there was a dispute in the family too. . Aishwarya’s horoscope caused a rift between the two and the horoscope became a hindrance in their marriage.
Aishwarya married a tree before Abhishek.
If you remember, then let me tell you that when Abhishek and Aishwarya Rai were getting married, there were reports in the media that Ash is Manglik and if he marries Bachchan’s son, this house will be ruined. Will be ruined like this.
A lot of rumors of marriage
Ash was also married to a tree before. Several reports also claimed that Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is inauspicious for the family.
Aishwarya was said to be auspicious.
During Abhishek and Aishwarya’s marriage, there was a lot of emphasis on the fact that the actress is auspicious and due to this, if she marries Abhishek, both of them may have to face a lot of trouble. Not only this, all the problems in the Bachchan family will not come from anywhere else.
In such a situation, when this news was going on in the media, Amitabh Bachchan
He was very angry at this news published about his daughter -in -law and said that he is very insensitive.
Aishwarya is not inauspicious for us- Amitabh
However, when the matter went through the extent, Amitabh got angry and while talking about this, he said, ‘Earlier there were reports that he has married a tree and now there are reports that it is inauspicious. Every day, some new prediction is made of what will be the fate of Aishwarya Rai and how her future will be, and wherever she goes, her father -in -law will die. Aishwarya is not inauspicious for us, what is written in luck.
Aishwarya found this rumor so useless.
Later, when Aishwarya was asked about the rumor that he had married a tree, he said, “Yes, it happened, but I found the rumor so useless that I did not need to react to it.” But surprisingly, it is that. Our family is so strong that we have left everything to the head of the family. Papa Amitabh Bachchan met the media at the right time after marriage and then answered all the questions.
Abhishek said, “Are we still looking for that tree?”
Abhishek tweeted in 2016, ‘And for the record, let me tell you that we are still looking for this tree.’ In 2007, Amitabh Bachchan told the Times of India that his family is not superstitious. He had not even seen Aishwarya’s horoscope, Big B had said, ‘Show me where the tree is.’ The only person she has married is my son. There is no tree there.