Many people immediately start putting toothpaste in the bathroom affected by burning hands in the kitchen or exposure to hot things. However, this is a normal mistake, and doing so can cause damage rather than advantages. According to a study, about 70 percent of people forget to apply toothpaste on burnt skin. It is notion that toothpaste cools and relieves irritation, but in reality it is confusion. Let’s know why toothpaste should not be applied when burning.
Disadvantages of applying toothpaste on burning:
- Danger of infection: Many chemicals present in toothpaste can cause damage when exposed to the skin, which may increase the risk of infection at the burning area. Sodium fluoride, which prevents cavity in teeth, can cause irritation when it applies to the skin and eyes.
- Danger of bacteria: When toothpaste is applied on the brush, it comes into contact with the upper surface of the brush, making the bacteria on the brush join to the toothpaste. Applying bacteria on burnt skin can cause infection.
- Promotion of infection: Glycerol present in toothpaste is non -toxic component, which helps prevent droughtness. But applying it on the wound can promote infection, which can further worsen the condition.
What should be applied on burnt skin?
If you are burnt, ice or cold water should not be poured on the burnt area. Instead, you can use aloe vera gel. Aloe vera helps to reduce inflammation along with moisture to the skin, causing burnt skin quickly. If you want to apply a cream, do not forget to consult a doctor.
Keeping these suggestions in mind, you can take care of your skin and take the right steps in the burning condition.