Bad lifestyle, irregular food and excessive stress have the biggest impact on the digestive system. This increases problems like obesity, gas, acidity and constipation. If you are also troubled by these problems, then include Pawanmuktasana in your routine. It is also called ‘Wind Reloving Pose’, as it removes the contaminated air from the body and relieves stomach disorders. Its regular practice reduces abdominal fat and makes the body flexible. Let’s know the right way to do Pawanmuktasana and its benefits.

The right way to do Pawanmuktasana

  1. Lie on your back and keep the feet straight.
  2. Fold the right knee and bring it near the chest and press the thigh lightly.
  3. Hold the knee tightly with hands and take a deep breath.
  4. Try to touch the chin between the knee by lifting the head.
  5. Stop in this posture for a few seconds, then slowly breathe and loosen the leg.
  6. Repeat the same process with the left leg.
  7. Finally do this asana by beating both legs together.

Benefits of doing Pawanmuktasana

Relief from stomach gas – This asana improves digestion and removes the problem of gas.
Help in reducing belly fat – Regular practice reduces abdominal fat and keeps weight under control.
Spine and neck flexibility – This asana strengthens the back and neck muscles and removes stiffness.
Relief from constipation – Due to pressure on the stomach, intestinal activity increases, which reduces the problem of constipation.

If you want to lose weight, improve digestion or get relief from stomach gas, then include Pawanmuktasana in your routine.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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