Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): In the investigation into corruption and disproportionate assets case, Lokayukta police took Saurabh Sharma and Sharad Jaiswal to their homes on Thursday to gather more evidence.
The two, along with Chetan Singh Gaur, were arrested earlier this week in connection with the case. The case against Saurabh Sharma, a former transport constable, was filed on December 19, with allegations of accumulating property beyond his known income.
According to SP DK Rathore, a team of officers conducted a search at the homes and other locations of Sharma and Jaiswal, where they discovered incriminating documents hidden by the duo.
Security Lapse?
Parade from police stn to Lokayukta HQ
On Thursday, an unusual scene unfolded as three accused in corruption case—Saurabh Sharma, Sharad Jaiswal, and Chetan Singh Gaur—were seen walking from the Kohefiza police station to the Lokayukta headquarters, a distance of 50 meters. Despite the short distance, allowing the accused to walk freely on the road posed a significant security risk. While a few police personnel were present, this was a clear violation of security protocols.
Upset over the lapse, higher officials expressed their displeasure and decided that the accused will be now transported to and from the Lokayukta office and police station in a vehicle, with tight security measures in place to prevent any future breach.
In same clothes for 60 hours
Sixty hours after their arrest, the three accused remained in the same clothes they were wearing when detained. Since their arrest on Wednesday, the trio has not been allowed to bathe, and the police are taking every precaution to ensure their safety and prevent any external influence.
Police have refrained from using any items brought from the accused’s homes, including food and clothing. Plans are afoot to arrange fresh clothes for them from their residences, but these will be thoroughly screened before being provided, in order to avoid any security risk or attempt at influencing the investigation.
Chetan parents come calling
Parents and advocate of Chetan Singh Gaur arrived to meet him at the police station, bringing clothes and food for him. However, due to strict security protocols, the police informed them that they could not deliver the items and asked them to return with the food and clothes. However, it is being claimed that the parents were granted some time to meet their son.