Bollywood veteran actor Mithun Chakraborty came into the limelight to play the role of spiritual guru Osho Rajneesh during a recent interaction with the media. When he was asked about his look similar to his Osho, he revealed that he had been offered this role, but nothing has been finalized yet.

Mithun gets Osho’s role offer

According to the Times of India report, Mithun Chakraborty said,
“You said a very big thing. What can I say? I clicked some pictures during the shooting of ‘The Kashmir Files’. At that time, the Chief Editor of the film said that I look like Osho. I have received an offer to play the role of Osho, but it may take 5-6 years to make a film. Vivek (Vivek Agnihotri) wants me to play this role. “

he adds, “Another filmmaker has also offered this role to me. I might do this project, but it will be a huge responsibility. Osho’s followers consider him like a living God, so it will not be easy to play this character. People say that I look like them, and I respect him a lot. “

Will Mithun do romantic films?

When asked if he wanted to make a romantic film for himself, Mithun gave a clear answer,
“no way. I am a very practical person. I mold myself over time. At this age I cannot be a traditional romantic hero. However, I have done films like ‘Projapoti’ in Bengali cinema, which the audience liked. “

Mithun’s upcoming films

Mithun Chakraborty will soon be seen playing the lead role in Vivek Agnihotri’s ‘The Delhi Files: The Bengal Chapter’. He has also previously worked in Vivek’s ‘The Tashkent Files’ and ‘The Kashmir Files’.

Now it will be interesting to see if Mithun decides to play the role of Osho or not!

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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