Us illegal immigrants: Now illegal immigrants in America will be kept in terrorist cells. President Donald Trump has signed a President’s memorandum to establish a rehabilitation facility of 30,000 people at Guantanamo Bay to detain ‘high priority criminal aliens’. So that illegal immigrants can be kept in custody here. The facility of Guantanamo Bay is used to keep terrorists. Now illegal migrants with criminal records will also be kept here.

Trump signed an executive order

Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order in which the defense and homeland security departments were directed to prepare the facility. According to the memorandum, he ordered the expansion of the migration operation center at Navy Station Guantanamo Bay to accommodate the ‘high priority criminal aliens’ and address the related enforcement requirements. However, most people do not even know about it.


Illegal immigrants cannot return after being sent to Guantanamo

Trump said at a program at the White House, “We have 30,000 beds in Guantanamo to keep illegal aliens, the most dangerous criminals who threaten American people.” ‘Some of them are so bad that we do not trust their domestic countries to catch them, because we are going to send them to Guantanamo.’ In this regard, Trump further said, ‘By taking this step, our capacity will double. Also it is difficult to get out of here.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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