Mumbai: The Bandra Railway Police have arrested a coach attendant for allegedly molesting a female passenger onboard the Kutch Express, traveling from Mumbai to Gujarat. The accused, Hariom Vishram Meena (29), a resident of Rajasthan, was assigned as an attendant in the AC coach.

A police officer stated that the accused harassed the woman soon after the train departed from Bandra Terminus. Upon receiving the complaint, the police registered a case and arrested the accused for questioning.

According to the Bandra Railway Police, the incident occurred on the evening of January 25. The Kutch Express departed from Bandra Terminus at 6 PM for Bhuj, Gujarat. Shortly after departure, the female passenger was standing near the coach gate when the accused began molesting her and allegedly exposed himself. Shocked by the incident, the woman immediately called her father and informed him about the harassment.

Her father rushed to Borivali station but missed the train. He then hired a rental car and traveled to Gandhidham, Gujarat, where the train was scheduled to halt. Upon reaching Gandhidham, he lodged a complaint with the local police. Since the incident occurred within the jurisdiction of the Bandra Railway Police, a zero FIR was filed in Gandhidham and later transferred to Mumbai for further action. The Bandra Railway Police swiftly arrested the accused, Hariom Meena, and are continuing their investigation.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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