Television actor Shoaib Ibrahim’s sister, Saba Ibrahim, is expecting her first child with husband Khalid Niaz, one year after suffering a miscarriage. Saba made the announcement on her YouTube channel through a vlog, where she revealed that they had been undergoing treatment for the past two years and are finally seeing their prayers answered.

Saba’s husband said, “Saba is pregnant, we are going to become parents soon. We are so thankful to all our fans for all the prayers and blessings that we received. We are extremely emotional about this moment and we are praying that all couples who are waiting for a child, may you all get blessed.”

Further, Saba added, “I would tell those women who are trying to conceive, you are not incomplete. It is a blessing to have a child but then life doesn’t stop. We had also tried and underwent treatment for 2 years. All I want to say is stay positive and be patient. We have understood everything with the treatment.”

Check out the video:

Saba also urged women who are waiting to conceive not to lose hope or feel incomplete. Recalling her miscarriage, Saba said, “The miscarriage happened, and after that, there was a difficult phase.” Khalid added, “During that time, we underwent a lot of treatment.”

She even shared that she suffered from Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and often asked her fans to pray for them. Saba revealed that she refrained from traveling after receiving advice from her doctor and had been waiting for the final scans before sharing the pregnancy news.

Saba Ibrahim and Khalid Niaz tied the knot on November 6, 2022, in Mumbai.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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