After the stampede at Prayagraj Mahakumbh, questions have been raised on the preparations of the government and the police administration. Reacting to this, Mahamandaleshwar Premanand Puri said that it was not a matter of the police to control such a large crowd. He demanded that the security of Kumbh Mela should have been handed over to the army. According to him, the saints had already requested the government, but it was ignored.

Mahamandaleshwar Premanand Puri became emotional while talking to ANI about the frightening of the stampede. He said that there is still time to hand over the responsibility of security of this fair to the army, so that there is no untoward.

Mahamandaleshwar Premanand Puri of Panchayati Arena Shri Niranjani said,
“We had already said that the security of Kumbh should be given to the army, but we were not heard. It is not possible for the police to control such a large crowd. My mind is very distressed. I have come to tell the saints of my arena to ask their devotees to return to their camps gradually, so that there is no more stampede. If the security of Kumbh was in the hands of the army, it might not have happened. “

Akhara Parishad expressed grief

Ravindra Puri, President of the Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad, also expressed deep condolences on the incident. They said,
“We are very sad about what happened. Thousands of devotees were accompanied by us. In the public interest, we have decided that the arena will not participate in today’s bath. I appeal to the devotees to come to bathe on the day of Vasant Panchami instead of today. ”

Ravindra Puri also said that this incident happened because the devotees wanted to bathe at the Sangam Ghat, whereas they should have taken a bath wherever they got the water of the holy Ganges. He defended the administration and said that it is not easy to handle such a large crowd and everyone should cooperate with the administration.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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