Diet Tips: According to Ayurveda, if a person has to be healthy, then he should change his food according to the environment. Because every type of diet has a special effect. But most people do not understand the effect of diet and as a result they face health problems. There are some foods that are cold and some are hot. Keeping these things in mind in the changing environment, the diet should also be changed.


The month of February is about to begin. The weather starts changing in the month of February. Some foods should be avoided at this time. There are some things used in the daily diet that if eaten at this time, then the powerful body also becomes like a marial.

Weather in February


The weather is not very cold in the month of February. The sun starts glowing during the day and the atmosphere starts to heat up. In the month of February, pink is felt cold in the morning and night. There is a double season in this month. Therefore, some things should be involved in eating and drinking during the day and some things should be avoided.


Watermelon and sweet potato

Watermelon and sweet potato are already available in the market. The best time to eat this fruit is from May to June. If you start eating watermelon and sweet potato in the month of February, then the health deteriorates. Even though the summer has started in the month of February, avoid eating these foods as their effects are cold and they can spoil their health.


Dairy product

Dairy products should also be avoided as far as possible in the month of February. In this month, there is cold air along with the sun. In this month, there is summer and sometimes winter. In this changing environment, cold and cough occurs quickly. Therefore, in the month of February, curd, lassi, buttermilk etc. should be avoided as it can cause phlegm problems.


People whose skin is oily should avoid eating such foods in the month of February. The change in the environment affects the skin and the effect of food also starts appearing immediately on the skin. Therefore, reduce the intake of dairy products as far as possible.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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