Things are getting worse in the Central African country. Rwanda -backed rebels claimed control over Goma, the largest city of Eastern Congo on Monday morning. The Congo government said that the rebels’ lead was’ declaration of war ‘. At the same time, the United Nations has said that 2 million people of the city are in great panic.

Rebels appealed to people to remain calm

The M-23 rebels have announced to take possession of the city of Goma in a statement. The rebels announced the announcement shortly before the 48 -hour time limit was over by the rebels. In the statement, the rebels called upon the people of Goma to remain calm and gather from the members of the Congo Army at the Central Stadium.

Things worsened in Goma

According to a United Nations report, one -third of the population of North Kivu province is currently displaced and the situation may worsen if the rebels capture Goma. Goma city is located in North Kivu province. The United Nations peacekeepers launched a campaign on service members surrendering on the outskirts of the city late on Sunday night.

‘War situation in the country’

In a video posted on the social media platform X, the Congo government spokesman Patrick Muya called for the safety of the citizens and said that the country is in a state of war. Congo has also broken diplomatic relations with Rwanda. Congo says that Rwanda is supporting the rebels.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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