Former actress-turned-writer Twinkle Khanna, in her own quirky way, slammed the rumours surrounding Kareena Kapoor Khan and her presence in the house when her husband, actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked during a robbery attempt on January 16. Twinkle penned a note on Sunday stating how it is always the wife who gets blamed when things go wrong in a man’s life.

Twinkle took to her Instagram handle on Sunday morning and shared an excerpt from her column for Times of India. “This Sunday it’s all about why Biwis are clearly not considered number 1 except when it comes to taking the blame. After an actor was stabbed, ridiculous rumours swirled that his wife hadn’t been at home or had been too intoxicated to help him during the assault. People just enjoyed shifting the blame onto the wife — an all-too-familiar pattern (sic),” she wrote.

She went on to cite more examples and wrote, “When the Beatles split, people blamed Yoko Ono. Melania is often criticised for being silent or having limited public opposition to her husband’s policies. Jill Biden has been held responsible for pushing Joe to continue his campaign. When Virat Kohli gets out, then Anushka gets booed (sic).”

She further mentioned, “This is a widespread issue, not limited to couples in the public eye. If your husband gains too much weight, you are not taking care of his health; if he loses too many kilos, you are not feeding him well. If he’s caring, they’ll claim you’ve manipulated him; if he’s indifferent, they’ll blame you for not handling him right (sic).”

“Last week, I attended a small family gathering where one of the relatives remarked, ‘Look, my five uncles are bald, and the one who still has hair, he is the only one who is not married’. Apparently, wives can also be blamed for baldness (sic),” she added.

She concluded her note saying, “In this context, I suppose it’s accurate to say that behind every man, loser or leader, stands a woman who is about to be vilified, at the drop of a hat, or with it firmly on her head. Agree? Disagree? (sic).”

As she shared the post, netizens agreed to her words and also lauded her for penning her thoughts in the manner that she did.

For those unversed, Saif was attacked by an intruder at his Bandra residence on January 16 during a burglary attempt. He was stabbed by the attacker, and the actor underwent a surgery to remove a piece of knife from near his spine. While speculations around the attack when viral, Kareena issued a statement on social media, asking people to refrain from spreading rumours and give the family some space to deal with the trauma.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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