You might have read about several ways to quit smoking, including consuming medicated chewing gums, doing breathing exercises, and pulling down activities that cause stress. But here’s a story of a man who engaged in a quirky way to beat his addiction for cigarettes.
Ibrahim Yucel, a man from Turkey, probably realised usual methods to quit smoking didn’t work for him and adopted something bizarre to resist his strong urge to take a puff.
He caged himself, quite literally to avoid consuming cigarettes.
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Helmet cage to quit smoking
Wait, what? Well, we’ll narrate you to the viral story of the Turkey man who tried a uncommon technique to quit smoking. He caged his face to ensure the cigarettes didn’t kiss his lips.
He didn’t remove the helmet-like cage for anything. Ibrahim drank water using a straw that managed to pass through the holes of the cage. However, there are no concrete reports whether this anti-smoking method proved successful and allowed him to keep away from cigarettes.
Unlocked only for meals, straw for water
The incident originally surfaced on the internet in 2013. Visuals are now being recirculated online. They show his face locked in a cage, which appears like a metal ball. He is seen not opening the cage for anything, even if he wished to quench his thirst with a sip of water.
It was reported that the man would lock his face in the cage and hand over its keys to his wife. His wife was the only one who had the keys to open his “face lock” for meals.
While it is unclear whether the bizarre way to quit smoking was effective or not, this story has drawn the attention of many people towards the unusual method adopted by the Turkey man, who was 42 at the time of the event’s initial report.