Punjab vs Tamil Nadu Inter University Kabaddi Match: Kabaddi players from Tamil Nadu were attacked on Friday during an inter-university event in Bathinda, Punjab. Tamil Nadu Deputy CM Udhayanidhi Stalin also reacted in this matter. It is being claimed that during a Kabaddi match, the rival team assaulted the women players, later others also joined in. Meanwhile there was a huge uproar. The chairs also broke.
The fight started after the players were unhappy with a decision by the match referee. Student athletes from various universities such as Mother Teresa University, Periyar University, Alagappa University and Bharathiar University were participating in the ‘North Zone Inter University and All India Inter University Kabaddi (Women) Championship 2024-25.
According to the report, the players were first attacked by players from the rival team. Later, the controversy started due to the indecent attack on Mother Teresa University during a match with Darbhanga University. The referee of a Kabaddi match assaulted a member of Mother Teresa’s team. Before that the player was debating the appeal of foul.
In a video going viral on social media, players can be seen confronting some people. It was not clear from the video whether it was an officer or a bystander. Meanwhile, both sides were seen throwing chairs and kicking at each other.
The statement of Tamil Nadu Deputy CM Udhayanidhi Stalin has also come to light in this entire matter. He said the girls were safe and would return soon.
A small incident happened this morning. I have spoken to the Director of Physical Education, Mr. Kalaiyarasi. Now everything is under control. No major injuries or anything. Students have been given first aid. He will return to Delhi and stay at Delhi House tonight. They will leave from Delhi on the night of the Supreme Day. He will reach Chennai soon.