Telugu film Daaku Maharaaj starring Nandamuri Balakrishna, Urvashi Rautela, Bobby Deol, and Pragya Jaiswal was released on January 12, 2025. The movie took a bumper opening at the box office, and the makers shared on social media that in four days the movie collected Rs. 105 gross at the worldwide box office. As the movie got such a good opening, Urvashi Rautela did interviews and spoke about the success and the expensive gift that she received from her parents after Daaku Maharaaj crossed 100 crore.
Now, yesterday, the movie was released in Hindi, and it has received a dismal response on day 1. The movie collected Rs. 5 lakh on its day one in Hindi which proves Daaku Maharaaj is a sure shot disaster in the Hindi belt.
If we talk about the Telugu version of the film, it has collected Rs. 84.12 crore at the Indian box office in 13 days. Meanwhile, a few days ago, the makers had posted on Instagram that in eight days, the movie has surpassed Rs. 156 crore gross at the worldwide box office.
While of course there was a strong buzz about Daaku Maharaaj in Tollywood, it was Urvashi’s interview that created a buzz across the country. An interview of the actress had gone viral on social media in which she was asked about the attack on Saif Ali Khan. She started answering the question, but soon jumped to the collection of Daaku Maharaaj, and the expensive gifts that her parents gave her.
The actress was trolled a lot for the same, and later she had posted an apology for Saif on her Insta story. However, after a few hours, she deleted it.
Well now, her movie Daaku Maharaaj in the Hindi belt has failed to leave a mark. So, we wonder what Urvashi has to say about it.