Mumbai – Maharashtra government can return Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan to return an additional Rs 9 crore for his grand vow bungalow at Bandra bus stand. The ownership of this place while transferring to the right with lease made a mistake in calculation from the government system and due to this, Shah Rukh had to pay more than 9 crore rupees. Three years ago, Shah Rukh had demanded compensation for this additional amount and now it is being said that the state government has agreed on it.
‘Mannat’ bungalow is built on a 2,446 square meter plot on Bandra Band-Stand. When King Khan bought a joint -owned bungalow of Shah Rukh Khan and his wife Gauri Khan, the actor has filed an application to the Mumbai Suburban District Collector (MSD) to get back the additional amount (access payment) paid. Accepting this application, the state government can return Rs 9 crore to Shah Rukh Khan.
The original owner built a grand bungalow on the land leased from the state government. After staying in the bungalow for many years, he sold this bungalow to Shahrukh Khan. Shahrukh named it ‘Mannat’. This bungalow has now become the center of tourist attraction near Bandra Fort on the beach of Bandra. Hundreds of fans of Shah Rukh Khan gather outside the bungalow every day to get a glimpse of the superstar.
Earlier this place was owned by the state government. The government leased the land to build a bungalow. After this the bungalow was sold to Shahrukh Khan and the agreement is registered in the name of Shahrukh-Gauri Khan. After this, the Khan couple decided to avail the state government’s scheme to get the property (Category-II) given on the basis of full ownership. According to the rate of the ready records, Shah Rukh paid Rs 27.50 crore in 2019. After that, Shah Rukh Khan realized that while converting the land on the basis of ownership from the property of the lease, there was an error not intentionally but inadvertently in calculating the fee rate by the state government.
Instead of calculating the price of land, the price of the bungalow was calculated. Keeping this in mind, Shah Rukh Khan and his wife Gauri Khan applied to the suburban collector in September 2022 to get compensation. The collector had to submit this application to the state government. The government official said that now the state government will consider the application and give compensation to Shah Rukh Khan.