Ricardo Godoi, a well-known Brazilian social media influencer, tragically passed away at the age of 45 while undergoing a tattoo procedure on January 20. Godoi, known for his luxury car content, suffered a cardiac arrest shortly after being sedated for the procedure.
The influencer had planned to have his entire back tattooed and was administered general anesthesia before the inking process began. However, he went into cardiac arrest shortly after the sedation started.
Medical personnel, including a cardiologist, were called to the scene to attempt resuscitation, but their efforts were unsuccessful. Godoi was pronounced dead at noon the same day.
The tattoo studio owner expressed grief over the loss, describing Godoi as a “great friend”. Just hours before his death, Godoi had reassured his 225,000 Instagram followers that he would resume posting shortly after the procedure.
Who was Ricardo Godoi?
Ricardo Godoi was a Brazilian social media influencer and entrepreneur known for his passion for luxury cars and high-end lifestyles. As the CEO of the Godoi Premium Group, he built a reputation for showcasing exclusive automobiles and sharing engaging content about the luxury automobile industry on social media. With a following of over 225,000 on Instagram, Godoi connected with fans worldwide, offering them a glimpse into his world of opulence and business acumen.