Mumbai: ‘Emergency’ has proved to be Kangana’s tenth consecutive flop film. The film has so far earned only 22 percent of its budget. Alia Bhatt’s biggest flop film is now ‘Emergency’, which is worse than ‘Jigra’. On the other hand, Rasha’s daughter Rasha’s first film ‘Azad’ has been a box office hit in the first few days and within a week of release, many theaters have taken the film.
Kangana finally gave her last hit film ‘Tanu Weds Manu Returns’ in 2015. Since then, he has come ten films and all have flopped.
The six -day earnings of ‘Emergency’ are barely 13 crores. In comparison, the lifetime collection of Alia’s super flop ‘Jigra’ was barely 32 crores. In such a situation, it is suspected whether the Emergency will reach half a collection of ‘Jigra’.
At the same time, Aman Devgan’s debut film ‘Azad’ has earned just six and a half crores in six days.
Many theaters have closed their shows as they did not get even five percent of the spectators in theaters.