After the implementation of US President Donald Trump’s order, children of illegal immigrants or foreigners living in America on visa will not be able to get citizenship on the basis of birth, even if they were born in America. President Trump’s order will be effective from February 20. Pregnant women who have already entered the United States illegally or have obtained a legal visa may wish to have an early cesarean delivery, so that their baby can acquire citizenship at birth and the child can be raised jointly with them and their husband. The state will provide a legal reason to stay in the United States. ,
Dr. SD Rama of a maternity clinic in New Jersey says that most of the women coming to his clinic for premature cesarean delivery are Indians, while Trump talks about ending citizenship on the basis of birth. All these women want to deliver before 20th February. A woman is seven months pregnant. His delivery time is supposed to be March, but he wants to deliver before 20th February.
Texas Obstetrician Dr. SG Mukkala says that in the last two days, 15 to 20 couples have come for early delivery. He said that premature delivery is possible, but it carries risks for both the baby and the mother. Due to premature delivery, the lungs of children do not develop properly. They may have difficulty in drinking milk, the baby may have low birth weight, hence they may face neurological problems.
Every year thousands of people from India go to America for work on H-1B visa. However, it is very difficult to obtain a green card for permanent residence in the US. Because the number of applicants for employment based green card is in lakhs. Therefore, Indians used to give birth to children in America and make their children American citizens. In such a situation, his dream of settling in America could soon come true. However, now this has become difficult.