Police have taken strict steps in the gang war case between former MLA Anant Singh and the notorious Sonu-Monu gang in Mokama. One accused each from both the sides has been arrested. Superintendent of Police (SP) Rakesh Kumar has confirmed this arrest. The arrested accused include Sonu Singh (member of Sonu-Monu gang) and Roshan Singh (supporter of Anant Singh).
Firing took place in Nauranga Jalalpur village
There was heavy firing between the two sides on Wednesday in Nauranga Jalalpur village of Panchmahala police station area of Mokama. After this incident, the police registered three FIRs and intensified the operation to nab the criminals. At the same time, after the incident, once again there has been news of firing in Mokama, but the police has not confirmed this matter.
Arrest and charges
Police have arrested Sonu Singh near his house. According to the report of News18, after the incident, Sonu Singh was continuously appearing in the media and was openly challenging Anant Singh. He said, “68 year old Anant Singh cannot surpass 34 year old Sonu Singh.” Sonu also accused Anant Singh of giving wrong definition of weapons and scriptures.
center of property dispute
Sonu Singh claimed that Mukesh Singh, who is a supporter of Anant Singh, is the clerk of his brick kiln and is embezzling money related to the business. He also said that a Panchayat had already been held regarding this matter. However, Sonu denied locking Mukesh’s house. His allegation is that Anant Singh, along with his supporters, got firing done at his house.
Mukhiya Urmila Sinha narrowly escaped the firing
Sonu Singh’s father Pramod Singh said that his wife Urmila Sinha, who is also the head, narrowly escaped the incident. When she came out to welcome Anant Singh, the firing started.
Anant Singh’s allegations
Former MLA Anant Singh has made serious allegations against Sonu Singh, Monu Singh, and their father Pramod Singh. He says that these people commit hooliganism in the area, forcibly occupy properties, and are involved in cases like kidnapping. Anant Singh also said that Sonu and Monu do illegal mining from the Ganga ghat and do things like locking people’s houses.
Police’s strict stance
The police took immediate action in this case and arrested two accused. According to SP Rakesh Kumar, the police is continuously investigating this matter and evidence is being collected against the accused.
Allegations and counter-allegations continue
Amidst this entire incident, on Thursday both the parties made a series of allegations against each other. While Sonu Singh accused Anant Singh of orchestrating the attack, Anant Singh claimed that Sonu and his family were involved in serious criminal activities.
Police campaign with hope of justice
The increasing incidents of gang war in Mokama have brought law and order under question. However, with the activation of the police and the arrest of the accused from both sides, it is expected that peace will be restored in the area. A detailed investigation into the matter is underway and the police is committed to taking strict action against the culprits.