Kolkata Knight Riders team is in a difficult situation. The player for whom KKR spent Rs 23.75 crore in the mega auction has been injured during a Ranji Trophy match. While playing for Madhya Pradesh, Venkatesh got injured while batting. The KKR star was seen writhing in pain on the field. After prolonged treatment on the field, Venkatesh had to be taken off the field.

Venkatesh got injured

Bad news for KKR team before IPL 2025. Venkatesh Iyer has been seriously injured while playing against Kerala in the Ranji Trophy. Venkatesh, who came to bat at number six for Madhya Pradesh, sprained his ankle while batting and was seen struggling with pain. Seeing the condition of Venkatesh, the physio had to come to the field.

Even after long treatment, Venkatesh could not stand up to bat again. Venkatesh went out of the field limping. Now it will be interesting to see how serious is Venkatesh’s injury, because Kolkata Knight Riders have placed a big bet on this all-rounder in the auction.





KKR showered money on Venkatesh

Kolkata Knight Riders spent like water for Venkatesh Iyer in the mega auction for IPL 2025. KKR has included Venkatesh in their team again by spending Rs 23.75 crore. Venkatesh had performed well for Kolkata last season. He played an important role in KKR winning the title for the third time by playing a quick inning of 52 runs in 26 balls in the final match.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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