Saif Ali Khan had to buy Pataudi Palace: At present, Saif Ali Khan is in the news on one hand for the attack on him and on the other hand for his ancestral property worth Rs 15,000 crore. It is being said that the government can confiscate this Bhopal-based property of Saif’s father Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi and his family. Bhopal State had a stay on this property since 2015, which has now ended. Even though Saif will lose his ancestral property, he is still and will remain the owner of Pataudi Palace. Many people believe that Saif has inherited this palace, but it is not so. Saif had to pay Rs 800 crore to get back this heritage Pataudi Palace. What is its whole story, Saif Ali Khan himself told in an interview.
Saif Ali Khan did not inherit Pataudi Palace
Saif Ali Khan is the 10th Nawab of the Pataudi family. Because of this, many people believe that Saif has inherited all the wealth and Pataudi palace without any hard work. But this is not true. In fact, the Pataudi Palace was converted into a heritage hotel in the early 2000s. It was on rent from Nimra Hotels. From the year 2005, this Pataudi Palace started running as a luxury hotel. Pataudi Palace became a favorite venue for destination weddings and high-profile weddings. As of 2014 it was functioning as a hotel.
Decision to take back the palace after father’s death
But Saif decided to take back Pataudi Palace after the death of his father Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi. His father died in 2011. Then the legal heir of Pataudi Palace was Saif Ali Khan. But he found out that it was on rent and I had to pay to get it back. But this amount was not small.
Pataudi Palace was bought for Rs 800 crore
In an interview, Saif Ali Khan said, after my father’s death, Pataudi Palace was given on rent to Neemra Hotels. It was supervised by Aman Nath and Francis. When Francis died, Aman Nath told me that if I wanted to get the palace back I would have to pay a lot of money. When I told them, I want the palace back, they held a conference and said, OK, then you have to pay us a lot of money and then I earned that money first. I did many films and shows and collected whatever money I earned and bought back the Pataudi Palace. Then finally I bought back Pataudi Palace from Neemrana Hotels for Rs 800 crores. Pataudi Palace was taken on rent by my father and my grandmother was against it because it was historical.
Saif Ali Khan is the owner of Pataudi Palace
But now this palace is back with Saif and he is its owner. His two sisters have no right on this. Saif said that my grandparents and father Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi are also buried in this palace. This is their house.