A large amount of cash has been recovered from the house of an education department official in Bettiah district of Bihar. This huge amount was found during investigation at the house of Bettiah District Education Officer. The surveillance department raided the residence of District Education Officer (DEO) Rajnikant Praveen. Patna’s vigilance team has been interrogating the DEO since morning. A huge amount of cash has been recovered so far during the investigation. A machine has been ordered to count the notes.
Note counting machine ordered
This action is being taken at the house of District Education Officer in Basant Bihar Colony located in Mufassil police station area of ​​Bettiah. DEO Rajnikant Praveen has been posted in Bettiah for the last three years. The Vigilance team has been present at his house for several hours and is interrogating him.
According to sources, a large amount of cash has been recovered from the house so far. The situation became such that a machine had to be ordered to count the notes. Police force has also been deployed on the spot. Vigilance team has also raided other locations of DEO.
Why the raid?
According to sources, there are serious allegations of corruption against the District Education Officer. For which raids have been conducted. It is also being said that a complaint of financial irregularities and illegal assets was lodged against the DEO. At present, the Vigilance team is busy in action and detailed information about the case is awaited.
Posted on the post of DEO for three years
According to the information, the Vigilance team has ordered a note counting machine from the local police from the residence of Education Officer Rajnikant Praveen. Vigilance raid is going on at DEO’s house since morning. Bettiah District Education Officer accused of acquiring property illegally, Vigilance team raided in the case. District Education Officer Rajnikant Praveen has been working on the post of DEO in the district for almost 3 years.
Crores of rupees were found in cash
Rajinikanth lives in a rented house in Basant Bihar area of ​​Praveen Mufassil police station area, where the raid is being conducted. The said team has been interrogating his house for several hours. It is being told that cash worth crores has been found. Police arrangements have been made inside the house. According to the information received, police and vigilance teams are raiding many places of education officer Rajnikant Praveen. Apart from Bettiah, information about what was found in the raids at other places has not been released yet.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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