Mumbai: Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor’s controversial film ‘Padmavat’ will be re-released in many theaters across the country on 24th. The film is being re-released on the occasion of completion of seven years. Earlier, when this film was released, there was a lot of controversy regarding the portrayal of Rani Padmavati in it. There were incidents of vandalism and arson in the states where the film was released. His shows had to be canceled in many states.

However, this film is considered an important film in the career of Deepika, Ranveer and Shahid. ‘Ghoomar song’ from the movie ranks among the top songs of Deepika and girls are excited to recreate this song at many cultural events, TV shows and school and college functions and even at weddings.

Now the trend of re-releasing superhit films has started. A few days ago, apart from Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor’s ‘Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani’ and Hrithik Roshan’s ‘Kaho Na Pyaar Hai’, Manoj Bajpayee starrer ‘Satya’ was also released.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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